Xov Xwm

  • Shape Control in Hot Rolled Strip Production

    In the production of strip steel, only by ensuring its good shape can production proceed smoothly and product output and quality be continuously improved. When the residual stress inside the strip steel is large enough, it will cause the strip steel to warp, manifested as side bending, edge waves...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Steel Mills Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb rau Cov Khoom Siv Raw thiab Cov Khaub Ncaws

    Steel Mills Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb rau Cov Khoom Siv Raw thiab Cov Khaub Ncaws

    1. Loose material 1.1 The storage method shall be determined according to the characteristics and safety requirements of the loose materials in the furnace; Furnace materials should be kept dry. 1.2 When rail transportation is adopted, the distance between the outside of...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Yuav ua li cas Tuam Tshoj cov hlau tsim nyob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus ntawm Low-carbon Transition

    Kev lag luam hlau thiab hlau yog ib qho tseem ceeb hauv kev lag luam ntawm lub teb chaws kev lag luam, kev txhawb nqa tseem ceeb rau kev tsim lub teb chaws niaj hnub no, thiab qhov chaw tseem ceeb kom ua tiav kev loj hlob ntsuab thiab qis-carbon. Tuam Tshoj tus steel kev lag luam carbon emissions account rau txog 18% ntawm tag nrho cov tsim ca ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Qhov Tseeb Ranking ntawm Ntiaj Teb Lub Tuam Txhab Ua Lag Luam Loj (Cov Cheeb Tsam) hauv 2022

    Thaum Lub Ob Hlis 2, worldsteel tau tshaj tawm cov qeb duas tshiab ntawm lub ntiaj teb 40 lub teb chaws tsim cov hlau loj (cov cheeb tsam) hauv xyoo 2022, nrog Tuam Tshoj qeb duas ua ntej nrog 1.013 billion tons ntawm cov hlau tsis zoo (qis 2.1% xyoo-rau-xyoo), Is Nrias teb (124.7). lab tons, nce 5.5% xyoo-rau-xyoo) thib ob, Nyiv (8 ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Qhov sib txawv ntawm Induction rauv thiab EAF

    Qhov sib txawv ntawm Induction rauv thiab EAF

    Item Induction Furnace EAF Picture    Applicable Range of Raw Materials Refining capacity of induction furnace is limited, the process flexibility is small, and the quality requirements of smelting raw materials are relatively high. The applicable smelting raw materials are usually: ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Kev tsom xam ntawm qhov ua rau ntawm Steel Breakout ntawm Nruam Casting Billets

    Breakout nyob rau hauv nruam casting yog ib tug loj ntau lawm kev huam yuaj nyob rau hauv nruam casting. Los ntawm billet nruam casting, qhov tshwm sim breakout tuaj yeem muab faib ua: kaum tawg tawg, nruab nrab tawg, rub tawm, thiab pib tawg. Los ntawm kev txheeb xyuas ntawm cov laj thawj ntawm kev nruam casting br ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Basic Principles and Methods of Steelmaking

    Basic Principles and Methods of Steelmaking

    Steelmaking ua ntej ua hlau. Hlau los ntawm npua hlau. Npua hlau tau los ntawm smelting hlau ore muaj cov ntsiab lus siab carbon thiab muaj ntau yam impurities (xws li silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, thiab lwm yam). Yog li ntawd, npua hlau tsis muaj plasticity thiab toughness, muaj cov khoom siv tsis zoo, thiab ca ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Nruam Casting Hmoov

    1.Dab tsi yog qhov ua haujlwm ntawm nruam casting pwm flux? Thaum lub sij hawm casting txheej txheem, hmoov los yog granular slag, hu ua pwm slag, yuav tsum tau txuas ntxiv mus rau lub molten steel nto ntawm cov pwm. Lub luag haujlwm ntawm kev tiv thaiv slag muaj cov hauv qab no: (1) Thermal rwb thaiv tsev los tiv thaiv tshav kub dis ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Countermeasures for Blast Furnace Tuyere Burning Poob

    Raws li kev txheeb xyuas ntawm kev puas tsuaj ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob tuyere, tsim lub hom phiaj ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob tua hluav taws kev tswj hwm, thiab kev ntsuas kev tiv thaiv tuyere hlawv thiab tawm, txhim kho kev pab cuam lub neej ntawm tuyere, txo cov huab cua tawg, txhim kho cov txiaj ntsig kev lag luam, thiab ach...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Yog vim li cas rau Blast furnace Tuyere hlawv poob

    1.Furnace Condition is Unstable and the Hearth is Piled Up Tej xwm txheej no feem ntau ntsib nyob rau hauv ntau lawm. Lub tshuab hluav taws xob tawg tau hloov pauv tau zoo heev, kev ruaj ntseg tsis zoo, thiab huab cua feem ntau ntxiv thiab rho tawm, thiab kev ruaj ntseg ntev ntawm lub tshuab hluav taws xob tawg ca ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology hauv Steel Enterprises

    Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technology hauv Steel Enterprises

    Kev kho cov dej phwj tuaj hauv kev lag luam feem ntau suav nrog ntau chav kho mob loj: thawj lub hauv paus sedimentation, hloov lub tank, tshuaj tiv thaiv tank, microfiltration tank, thiab cov txheej txheem kho membrane. Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm thawj qhov kev hloov kho lub tank yog kho kom muaj nuj nqis ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Loj Muffleless Belt H2 txo qhov cub thiab txheej txheem

    Loj Muffleless Belt H2 txo qhov cub thiab txheej txheem

    1. Large Muffleless Belt H2 Reduction Furnace The heat-resistant steel mesh belt drive and the synchronous self-rotating roller drive are combined to form a coupled drive, and combined with the muffle-free H2 reduction furnace body to implement wide-band surface, long-di...
    Nyeem ntxiv